What did you choose for your topic and why?
Post questions about the paper here.
I put up some information about creating a Works Cited. Go to the Media Response tab and scroll down.

Make sure you type your essay. Don't forget to include your paragraph on the visual argument (details are on the media response tab).

Revise, revise, revise. Make sure you have a clear, organizational pattern. Look at Ch. 1-4 for help.

Good luck!
Which media violence essay do you find most convincing and why-- Jones' or Leo's??

BTW, I DO have the flu, but I'm going to try to make it on Friday as I did today! I'll keep you posted.
What did you guys think of the podcast? What do you think Plato and Aristotle would say about modern day "argument"?
The syllabus has now been revised to reflect the missing graded assignment.

Evaluation of Grades:
Formal Essay = 100
Casebook = 100
Response Papers: Media (50); Character (50); “Cat” (50) = 150
Take-Home Exams (2X50) = 100 Points
Journal = 100 Points
Research Paper and Bibliography = 200 Points
Film Script = 50 Points
Taped Skit = 125 Points
Presentations: Casebook (25), Research Paper (25), Skit (25) = 75
Total = 1000 Points
900-1000 = A; 800-899=B; 700-799=C; 600-699=D; Below 600 Points = F
Students must turn in ALL assignments in order to pass the class.

I started a facebook group page for our class. It is a closed group.
To join, simply search for "composition cafe" on facebook. The logo is an apple with a bite taken out-- make sure you join the right group! :)

This will be experimental-- a way for you all to communicate with each other in a way that is comfortable for you.

Enjoy your weekend!
Do you guys like movies? You'll get to make one this semester! That is right; your final project will be a "video essay"! I've done a variation of this assignment for many years now in my sophomore LIT classes, and due to its popularity and success, I'm now molding the assignment for English 1302.
Welcome Comp II scholars! I'd love for you to post 3 interesting facts about yourself. Check back weekly for new blog topics... you never know when a post might lead to extra credit! ;)

I'm excited to have you in class this semester. Bite the apple! :)